Monday, April 9, 2012

April 4, 2012: Ellie is 6 Months Old!

Happy half-birthday to our little Ellie Rose! It feels like just yesterday that we were mastering the double swaddle, and now we are lowering the crib to prevent catastrophe for our bouncy little girl who likes to sit up, roll over, swan dive forward and background, and play the "harp" across her crib bars. In the words of one of our favorite books, Where the Wild Things Are, "let the wild rumpus begin!"

At her six month check-up, Ellie weighed in at a whopping 16 lbs., 6 oz, and she measured 26 inches in length. She is currently in the 65th percentile for height and weight, and is continuing to grow fast. I'm pretty sure she is in the 150th percentile for hair length and thickness! :)

We are realizing that, with Ellie in daycare now, she will likely be picking up more and more "tricks" that keep us on our toes. We have seen her waiving her arms with delight as she watches the other children play, and she is already working hard to mimic their movements. We've recently seen her attempting to pick up her bottom to get into the crawling position and scooting her body across blankets to get to toys. We are going to need to baby proof the house soon!

1 comment:

  1. What a cutie pie!
    She is growing and changine so quickly. I'm glad I have gotten up there to see her often.
