7 lbs., 4 oz.
18.9 inches
This has definitely been the most amazing 10 days of our entire lives. Having a child brings new depth to love, new heights to emotion, and new perspective to life. We are truly blessed with our new addition, Elizabeth Rose Gaudette. We are calling her Ellie Rose, or just Ellie.
On the morning of October 4, 2011, Grant and I drove to Lucille Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford for my scheduled c-section to deliver Ellie (she was in the frank breech position, so a c-section was necessary). You can see the nerves and excitement on our faces here as we are getting ready for surgery.
Everything went well, and before we new it, we could hear the sweet, lamb-like wails of our little girl.
Life as we knew it changed forever the moment we saw Ellie. It was truly love at first sight.
We spent four nights in the hospital, just mooning over our new creation, and were blessed with so many visitors, including all 3 sets of grandparents (this is going to be one spoiled little girl), and loads of tias and uncles.

Love all the pictures. This is such a great idea, later in her life she will be able to look back at this and see things about herself just like a kids photo book but also with comments that you wrote. =) look forward to hearing about everything and enjoying seeing little Ellie growing up. - Kevin