Sunday, June 9, 2013

Winter 2012: What a Season!

As is typical of the season, Winter in the Gaudette household was full of family and fun, and it went by in a blur.  The holiday season started with a major milestone for Ellie -- on November 15, 2013, she officially became a walker!  It was a wonderfully exciting night in our household as she toddled back and forth between us.  Tia Megan even came over to enjoy the fun.

We celebrated Thanksgiving at our house with the Mothershead/Zunguze clan visiting for a nice long weekend.  Ellie and Betinho were really starting to interact and play, and it melts your heart to see them together.  Knowing that we wouldn't be together for Christmas, we followed our Thanksgiving celebration on Thursday with a weekend of Christmas decorating, festivities like gingerbread house-making, and exchanging gifts.  What a great weekend of celebration!

The month of December came and went in a blink, but notable events included seeing Santa at the mall (I'm pretty sure Stanford Mall is where the real Santa visits -- look at him!), and attending the WSGR Christmas party.

And before we new it, Christmas was here! This year, we had a non-traditional Christmas in Morro Bay with the Cross family.  We rented a great house that was just a short walk to the beach, and had several days to just relax and spend time together.  We took a trip to Cayucas, explored the Hearst Castle museum and gift shop (tickets were sold out for the castle itself), decorated gingerbread houses, and just spent good quality time as a family.  What more can you ask for for Christmas?

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