Wednesday, February 15, 2012

February 3-5, 2012: A Visit from Grammy and Grandpa!

Grammy's teacher conference in San Jose provided the perfect excuse for a weekend visit and some good bonding time with Ellie. Grammy even got her first chance to read Ellie a family favorite book: The Little Mouse, The Red-Ripe Strawberry, and The Big Hungry Bear. This was one of Grant's favorite books as a little boy, and he gave it to me (Ellie) as a gift when I was pregnant. It is clear that Grammy read this book to Grant many, many times, as she can still recite the words to the book without looking!

Thank you, Grammy and Grandpa, for the wonderful visit! We hope to see you guys again soon!


  1. I love how Ellie's hair is always perfectly combed! And with a bow, of course. Nice job, Mama.

  2. I love this image. I have it on my lock screen on my phone and iPad. It warms my heart each time I see it.
