I've always loved fig trees, not just because I adore eating delicious figs, but also because it is a tree that reminds me of family. In addition to my fig tree, pictured above, I remember my Grandma having a huge fig tree at her home in Los Banos. And, if my memory serves me correctly, even my Ava (Great Grandma) had a big fig tree in her back yard.
So, with the impending arrival of Baby Gaudette, I couldn't think of a more fitting way to express how thrilled I am to be adding new roots to the family tree than by planting our little girl a fig tree of her own. Grant and Dad did the manual labor of actually planting the tree, and we think it looks great!
I hope that, someday, Baby Gaudette and I will share the same giddiness over a delicous basket of ripe, black figs that my mom and I share to this day!
Update: I tasted my first fig from Baby Gaudette's tree yesterday, and it was AMAZING!