Thursday, August 25, 2011

June 29, 2011 - 20 Week Ultrasound

It's a Girl!!! And she has a very cute profile, if I do say so myself!

Grant and I were so happy to get to see our baby again at our 20 week ultrasound. We knew that we were likely to find out the sex of the baby at the appointment, so we were all excitement and nerves that morning. My "motherly intuition" was telling me that we were having a girl, but then I had a dream that we were having a boy, and the Chinese calendar birth chart that some work colleagues insisted I take also indicated that it would be a boy. So we had no idea what to think!

Before the appointment, we contemplated what the best way to find out the gender was. Some of our friends suggested having the ultrasound technician write the gender down on a piece of paper and place it into a sealed envelope for Grant and me to open on our own. Others suggested taking the sealed envelope to a baker and having them bake a "girl" (pink) or "boy" (blue) cake for us, covered with frosting, so we'd only find out the sex when we cut into the cake. As tempting (and delicious) as these idea sounded, we opted for keeping it simple. We asked the technician to tell us what we were having while we were there at the appointment, looking at our beautiful little baby on the screen.

When she told us it was a girl, we just squeezed each others hands so tightly, and had the biggest smiles on our faces. It was perfect! Of course, we would have reacted the exact same way if she'd said it was a boy. We are just so happy to be undertaking this new adventure together, and we can't wait to meet Baby Gaudette!

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