One of the great things about Ellie being born in October is that it means that I get the whole holiday season off for maternity leave! And Ellie's addition to the family brings another great "reason for the season," as they say. This year, we headed down to Visalia for a long Thanksgiving weekend with Grammy and Grandpa. It was so wonderful because everyone arranged their schedules to be home that weekend, so we had a house full of aunts and uncles to play with little Ellie. In fact, it was quite the zoo with 4 cats, 3 dogs, 9 adults and a baby!!!
Ellie wasn't sure what to think of it all. Check out this funny face!

The best part about the weekend was just all of the family time. We cooked together, played games together, went on walks/runs together, and just hung out. We went to church, went to Leah's baby shower, celebrated Grammy's birthday, met up with Rickie, Matt and Zachary, and decorated the Christmas tree. Grant and Grandpa even got to sneak in a round of golf! Thank goodness for family weekends! And thank you to Grammy and Uncle Kevin for documenting it all in amazing photos!